We Strive to Engage

The FPSS Society will develop, enhance, facilitate and deliver the following services:
- Support services to caregivers who have a family care home agreement with the Ministry;
- Facilitate networking and enhanced communication amongst caregivers, and between caregivers and the Ministry;
- Deliver the BC Foster Care Education Program curriculum – 53 hour mandatory training for foster parents.
- Work in partnership with Ministry staff in the Recruitment of Family Care Home caregivers;
- Provide on-going training workshops, the Safe Babies Program, Mentoring Program and Peer Support Groups.
We are Committed

FPSS Society Program Services and initiatives include, but are not limited to:
- Area / Local Coordinators – Victoria, Cowichan, Nanaimo, Port Alberni, Courtenay, Campbell River, Port Hardy
- Caregiver Peer Support Services
- On-going Training Events
- Enhanced Communication among Caregivers
- BC Foster Care Education Program
- Safe Babies Program
- Mentoring Program
- Crisis Response and Stabilization
- Support to Caregivers Involved in Protocol Processes
- Identification, Presentation, and Management of Common Issues for Caregivers
- Recruitment of New Family Caregivers, Foster Hope
- Continuous Quality Improvement
- Addressing the Individualized Needs of Caregivers